Hólar Beer Festival 2025 2025 Skip to content

Hólar Beer Festival 2025

Saturday the 31st. of may

Hólar University Gymnasium

15:00 Húsið opnar, brugghús kynna vörur sínar og mathús bjóða gómsætan mat til sölu.
16:00 Kútarall í biskupagarðinum
17:00 Happdrætti, meðal vinninga er gisting hjá ferðaþjónustunni á Hólum, bruggdagur á bjórsetrinu ofl. Allt glæsilegir vinningar
18:30 Niðurstöður kosninga kynntar, besti básinn og besti bjórinn
19:00 Dagskrárlok

A beer festival

In the old gymnasium of holar college the breweries assemble and offer guests a taste of their products. Outside locals have set up foodstalls selling food made from local sources. A tent has been set up where guests can sit down and enjoy their meal. In the Bishops yard you'll find the Kegrun track.

A list of breweries taking part will be displayed here as the festival approaches, also the menus of the footstalls that will be there. Stay tuned!

Here are a few memories from past festivals: